Interstellar Fax - Please Relay as Directed
From:Cathabel X (Formerly Second Princess), Forsaken Edge, Final Sun
To:IFDB C/O Old Mars, Sol
Re:IFDB AwardsPages:1
Cc:Doris Deweakes

Esteemed MathBrush and discerning voters,

It is with great honour and some humility that I accept the four awards bestowed on me by your Interstellar Fashion and Design Bureau. I have, through family, even met someone who claimed to hail from your world, and who represented its culture most robustly and directly. That this culture should find in me a kindred spirit is a wonderful and unexpected surprise.

True Fashion, of course, is a commentary on one's society and the message one wishes one's presence to express within it. True Fashion is inescapably political. And it is purely for political reasons that I must enquire as to whether these awards include any kind of monetary or fiduciary component?

The IFDB should rest assured that, in my present circumstances, I would put such a reward towards a very good cause.

From:Doris DeweakesFax:■■■-■■■■■-■■■■54
To:Cathabel XFax:■■■-■■■■■-■■■■95
Re:IFDB AwardsPages:1

Cath, please, no-one at Sol has any money, and even if they did, interstellar faxes take years to reach their destination.

Please pick up mushroom noodles on your way back from the relay station. You can put it on my account.